
Vision 2016- Towards Prosperity for All

Vision 2016 is a long-term development 'vision' to attain certain goals and objectives before the year 2016. First conceptualised in 1996, Vision 2016 is accompanied by National Development Plans (NDPs), published in order to track progress and make recommendations for the future. NDP 10 spans 2009 to 2016 and is the final publication in the series; it supports the theme 'Accelerating Achievement of Vision 2016 Through NDP 10'. The Plan calls for stakeholders to double-up their efforts to meeting the Vision's goals and introduces an Integrate-Results Based Approach (IRB) into the planning process (Republic of Botswana 2009).

Vision 2016 Pillars
  • An Open, Democratic and Accountable Nation
  • A Prosperous, Productive and Innovative Nation
  • An Educated, Informed Nation
  • A Moral and Tolerant Nation
  • A United and Proud Nation
  • A Compassionate, Just and Caring Nation
  • A Safe and Secure Nation

Source: Vision 2016 (2010)


National Strategy for Poverty Reduction

In 2003, the Government of Botswana took further action and created a National Strategy for Poverty Reduction (NSPR). The overall goal of this strategy is to eliminate income poverty by 2016 (Government of Botswana 2007). The strategy:

  • Sets poverty reduction as its overarching goal consistent with the country’s commitment to "build a compassionate, caring and just nation".
  • Charts the strategic pathways for poverty reduction, primarily through broad-based labour-absorbing economic growth, the provision of basic quality social services to the poor, the promotion of cost-effective pro-poor social safety nets, an enhanced effective response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and strengthening institutions for the poor.
  • Provides a multi-sectoral approach for overseeing the design, implementation and monitoring of poverty reduction interventions.

The National Strategy for Poverty Reduction is currently being implemented.

Remote Area Development Programme

Since Botswana’s independence in 1966, its challenges have included rural development and poverty alleviation. The Remote Area Development Programme was launched in 1978 after it was realised that proactive measures were needed to assist economically marginalised communities. Its objectives are:

  • To intensify development of remote settlements to bring them up to parity with other villages in the country
  • To promote production-oriented income and employment generating activities
  • To promote social, cultural and economic advancement of Remote Area Dweller communities
  • To enhance these communities’ access to land

Millennium Development Goals

The Vision 2016 goals are closely aligned with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and progress towards meeting the MDGs is reported in the National Development Plans. According to NDP 10 Botswana has made progress towards meeting all of the goals, though progress is greater towards meeting some goals when compared with others (Republic of Botswana 2009).

To find out if Botswana is on track to achieving its Millennium Development Goals, visit the MDG Monitor website and select 'Botswana'.

Current ongoing initiatives.

LIMCOM's current ongoing interventions being undertaken