Google Earth

To view Google Earth data you need to have Google Earth installed on your computer.

Follow these steps to install Google Earth:

  1. Visit the Google Earth download website
  2. Download the Google Earth software
  3. Open the installer program that you downloaded (note: you may need Administrator privledges to install the software)
  4. Follow the instructions on-screen for installing the software
Help using Google Earth

Need help? Click here to go to the Google Earth Users Guide.

Explore the Limpopo River Basin using Google Earth

Dams and Infrastructure of the Limpopo River basin

Explore the location and details of dams across the Limpopo River basin.

Rivers and streams of the Limpopo basin

View the rivers & streams that drain the basin, organised by flow characteristics.

Landcover of the Limpopo River basin

See the primary landcover of the Limpopo River basin - from grassland to urban areas.

Terrestrial Ecoregions of the Limpopo River basin

See the WWF terrestrial ecoregions for the Limpopo River basin.

Sub-basins of the Limpopo River basin

Explore the sub-basins of the Limpopo River basin.

Terrestrial Biomes of the Limpopo River basin

See the WWF terrestrial biomes for the Limpopo River basin.

Run-off for sub-basins of the Limpopo River

View the run-off for each of the sub-basins of the Limpopo River.

Other useful Google Earth layers:

Ramsar wetlands
Explore wetlands designated as internationally important under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.
Source: Ramsar Sites Information Service

Live Global Clouds
The global cloud imagery is based on a composite map from GMS, METEOSAT and GOES satellites.

World Population Density
Learn where humans are making their mark on the world.
Source: Gerardo64

Climate Change in Google Earth
Explore the potential impacts of climate change on planet Earth.
Source: Google/UNFCCC.

UNFCC Greenhouse Gas Map
An UNFCCC Interactive Map of Greenhouse Gas emissions.
Source: UNFCCC