Transboundary Water Management provides a framework for managing water resources across national boundaries. Other critical institutional responses to address some present-day water challenges include commitment to International, Regional and Basin Level Agreements, effective National Water Laws and regulations governing access and use of water, and creation of a knowledge-base for basin managers to make informed decisions. Flexibility in International Agreements allows for adjustments in response to both gradual and sudden changes within a transboundary river basin. Benefit Sharing presents an alternative to the traditional water management paradigm. Examples of River Basin Organisations at various stages of development are presented for the Orange-Senqu, Danube, Mekong and Nile rivers.
A vital reference for transboundary water management practitioners is the recent publication Transboundary Water Management in Practice (2010, Eds: Earle, Jägerskog and Öjendal). It provides an overview of this complex subject, relevant to researchers and water managers alike.
Chapter Summary
This chapter covers the following concepts and material:
Key International Agreements governing Transboundary Water Management, including mechanisms for Flexibility within international agreements