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LIMCOM's current ongoing interventions being undertaken include:
African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW). 2008. Accessed at: Accessed on: October 5, 2009.
African Rivers Network (ARA). No Date. Accessed at: Accessed on: May 24, 2010.
Allan, J.A. 2000. The Middle East water question: Hydropolitics and the global economy. London: IB Tauris.
Amaral, H. and R. Sommerhalder. 2004. The Limpopo River basin. Case study on Science and Politics of International Water Management. ETH-Zurich. 25 pp.
Ashton, P.J. and A.R. Turton. 2007. Water and security in sub‐Saharan Africa: Emerging concepts and their implications for effective water resource management in the southern African region. In Brauch, H.G., J. Grin, C. Mesjasz, H. Krummenacher, N.C. Behera, B. Chourou, U.O. Spring, P.H. Liotta, and P. Kameri‐Mbote (Eds), Facing global environmental change: Environmental, human, energy, food, health and water security concepts – Volume IV, pp. 665‐678. Berlin: Springer‐Verlag.
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). 2007. Pan-Africa Program: Working in Partnership. Prepared by Africa Branch, Pan Africa Program. Accessed at: Accessed May 2009.
Cillers, J. 1995. The Evolving Security Architecture in Southern Africa. Published in African Security Review, Vol. 4, No. 5, 1995.
Conca, K., F. Wu and C. Mei. 2006. Global Regime Formation or Complex Institution Building? The Principled Content of International River Agreements. International Studies Quarterly, 50(2), pp. 263-285.
Department for International Development (DFID). 1999. Water Law, Water Rights and Water Supply (Africa). Mozambique – Study Country Report.
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF). 2004. National Water Resources Strategy, First Edition. September 2004.
Derbyshire, H. 2002. Gender Manual: Practical Guidelines for Development Policy Makers, DFID.
Dinar, S. 2006. Assessing side-payment and cost sharing patterns in international water agreements: The geographic and economic connection. Political Geography, 25, pp. 412-437.
Earle, A., D. Malzbender, A. Turton, and E. Manzungu. 2005. A Preliminary Basin Profile of the Orange/Senqu River. AWIRU, University of Pretoria, South Africa, ISBN: 1-86854-618-7. 44 pp.
Food and Agriculture Organisation(FAO). 2005a. Aquastat Mozambique. Accessed at: Accessed on: May 18, 2010.
Food and Agriculture Organisation(FAO). 2005b. Aquastat Zimbabwe. Accessed at: Accessed on: May 19, 2010.
Feitelson, E. and M. Haddad. 1999. Identification of Joint Management Structures for Shared Aquifers, A Comparative Palestinian-Israeli Effort. World Bank Technical Paper, No. 415. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.
Fischhendler, I. 2004. Legal and institutional adaptation to climate uncertainty: a study of international rivers, Water Policy, 6, pp. 281-302.
Fong, M.S., W. Wakeman and A. Bhushan. 1996. Toolkit on Gender in Water and Sanitation. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.
Gender and Water Alliance. 2006. Resource Guide: Mainstreaming Gender in Water Management.
Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). 2005. Assessment of Stakeholder Participation within the Limpopo River Basin. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Eschborn, 2005.
Giordano, M.A. and A.T. Wolf. 2003. Sharing waters: Post-Rio international water management. Natural Resources Forum, 27(2), pp. 163-171.
Gleick, P.H. 2000. How much water is there and whose is it? The world’s stocks and flows of water and international river basins. In Gleick, P.H. (Ed), The world’s water: The biennial report on freshwater resources, 2000‐2001, pp. 19‐38. Washington, DC: Island Press.
Global Environment Facility (GEF). 2008. Effective Water Governance. Tec Background Papers. No. 7. Elanders Novum, Sweden.
Global Water Partnership (GWP). 2000. Integrated Water Resources Management. Tec Background Papers. No. 4. Denmark.
Global Water Partnership (GWP). 2003. Water Management and Ecosystems: Living with Change. Tec Background Papers No. 9. Elanders, Sweden.
Global Water Partnership (GWP). 2009a. A Handbook for Integrated Water Resources Management in Basins. Published by the Global Water Partnership and the International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO). Accessed at:
Global Water Partnership (GWP). 2009b. Global Water Partnership Toolbox. Accessed at: Accessed on: October 1, 2009.
Global Water Partnership Technical Advisory Committee (GWP TAC). 2000. Background Paper No. 4. Integrated Water Resources Management. Global Water Partnership, Stockholm, Sweden.
Helvetas. No Date (N.D.) Accessed at: Accessed on: May 24, 2010.
Hollingworth, B. 2007. Strengthening river basin organisations (RBOs) in the SADC Region – Programme Document Final – SADC-Infrastructure and Services Directorate – Water Division – Project CB-4 of the RSAP2, p. 53.
Homer-Dixon, T.F. 2000. The Ingenuity Gap. London: Jonathon Cape.
Hooper, B.P. 2008. Covenant action to facilitate integrated river basin management (pp 456-460). Available at:
Howell, P. and J. Allen (Eds.). 1995. The Nile: Sharing a Scarce Resource: A historical and technical review of water management and of economic and legal issues. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Institute for Water Resources (IWR). 2006. Key Performance Indicators of River Basin Organisations. South Africa.
International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR). 2009. Accessed at: Accessed on: October 6, 2009.
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). 2001. Rural Poverty Report 2001: The challenges of ending rural poverty. Published for IFAD by Oxford University Press. IFAD, Rome.
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). 2007. Gender and water Securing water for improved rural livelihoods: The multiple-uses system approach. Published for IFAD by Oxford University Press. IFAD, Rome.
International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC). 2009. Accessed at: Accessed on: May 24, 2010.
International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC). 2006. Available at: Accessed on: May 2009.
InWEnt. 2006. Capacity Building Concept (Bonn: InWEnt).Availabale at: Accessed May 2010.
Johnston, E. 2009. Factors Influencing a Basin-wide Agreement Governing the Nile River Basin. Simon Fraser University. Burnaby, Canada.
Kalahari Conservation Society. 2010. Accessed at: Accessed on: May 24, 2010
Kistin, E.J. and P.J. Ashton. 2008. Adapting to Change in Transboundary Rivers: An Analysis of Treaty Flexibility on the Orange-Senqu River Basin, International Journal of Water Resources Development, 24:3, pp. 385-400.
Kranz, N., E. Interwies, A. Vorwerk, and A. von Raggamby. 2005. Governance, Institutions and Participation in the Orange-Senqu River Basin. Report to the NeWater Project, Berlin, 2005.
Lautze, J. and M. Giordano. 2005. Driving forces behind African transboundary water law: Internal, external and implications. In B. Van Koppen, J.A. Butterworth, and.I.J.Juma (Eds.), African Water Laws: plural legislative frameworks for rural water management in Africa. Proceedings of a workshop; Johannesburg, South Africa, January 26-28, 2005. Pretoria, South Africa: International Water Management Institute.
LBPTC (Limpopo Basin Permanent Technical Committee). 2010. Joint Limpopo River Basin Study Scoping Phase.
LBPTC (Limpopo Basin Permanent Technical Committee). 2010b. LIMCOM Stakeholder Participation Roadmap Proceedings.
Limpopo Water Course Commission (LIMCOM) Agreement. 2003. Agreement Between the Republic of Botswana, The Republic of Mozambique, The Republic of South Africa, and the Republic of Zimbabwe on the Establishment of the Limpopo Watercourse Commission. Maputo, 2003.
Mapedza, E. and K. Geheb. 2010. Power dynamics and water reform in the Zimbabwean context: implications for the poor. Water Policy Uncorrected Proof (2010) 1–11. Accessed at: Accessed on: May 18, 2010.
Malzebender, D. 2010. Personal communication regarding the status of ratification of the Revised SADC Protocol on Shared Watercourses in Limpopo River basin states. Email sent to Simon Hughes (Hatfield Consultants, 2010-09-07).
McCaffrey, S.C. 2003. The need for flexibility in freshwater treaty regimes, Natural Resources Forum, 27, pp. 156-162.
Mekong River Commission (MRC). 2003. State of the Basin Report, Mekong River Commission Secretariat, Phnom Penh.
Mekong River Commission (MRC). 2005. Accessed at: Accessed on: May 17, 2009.
Nhira, C. and B. Derman. 1997. Towards Reforming the Institutional and Legal Basis of the Water Sector in Zimbabwe: Current Weaknesses, Recent Initiatives and their Operational Problems. Centre for Applied Social Sciences (CASS), University of Zimbabwe, Harare.
Nielsson, G. 1990. The parallel national action process. In Groom, A.J.R. and P. Taylor (Eds), Frameworks for international cooperation, pp. 78‐108. London: Pinter Publishers.
Nile Basin Initiative (NBI). 2001. Transboundary Environmental Analysis. Funding provided by: World Bank, Global Environment Fund and United Nations Development Program. New York: United Nations Development Fund.
Nile Basin Initiative (NBI). 2009. Accessed at: Accessed on: May 9, 2009.
OECD 2011. OECD website glossary. Found online at:
19/0,3343,en_21571361_39494699_39503763_1_1_1_1,00.html Accessed on: 2011-01-25.
Orange-Senqu RAK (River Awareness Kit). 2009. Accessed at: Accessed on: May 22, 2010.
Orange-Senqu River Commission(ORASECOM). 2007a. Institutional Structures in the four Orange Basin States. WRP Consulting Engineers, Jeffares and Green, Sechaba Consulting, WCE Pty Ltd, Water Surveys Botswana (Pty) Ltd. 46 pp.
Orange-Senqu River Commission(ORASECOM). 2007b. Legislation and Legal Issues Surrounding the Orange River Catchment. WRP Consulting Engineers, Jeffares and Green, Sechaba Consulting, WCE Pty Ltd, Water Surveys Botswana (Pty) Ltd. 33 pp.
Orange-Senqu River Commission (ORASECOM). 2007c. Institutional Structures in the four Orange Basin States. WRP Consulting Engineers, Jeffares and Green, Sechaba Consulting, WCE Pty Ltd, Water Surveys Botswana (Pty) Ltd. 46 pp.
Oregon State University (OSU). 2010. International River Basin Organizations Database. Accessed at: Accessed on: May 21, 2010.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). 2006. The Challenge of Capacity Development: Working towards Good Practice. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD Papers), Vol. 6, No. 1, September 2006, pp. 58-94(37).
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development - Development Assistance Committee Network on Governance (OECD-DAC GOVNET). 2006. The Challenge of Capacity Development: Working towards Good Practice (Paris: Development Co-operation Directorate).
Pech, S. and K. Sunada. 2006. The Governance of the Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia: Integration of Local, National and International Levels. Water Resources Development, Vol. 22, No. 3, 399-416, September 2006.
Pech, S., K. Sunada and S. Oishi. 2007. Managing Transboundary Rivers: The Case of the Mekong River Basin. International Water Resources Association. Water International, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 503-523, December 2007.
Phillips, D., Daudy, M., McCaffrey, S., Öjendal, J. and A. Turton. 2006. Trans-boundary Water Cooperation as a Tool for Conflict Prevention and for Broader Benefit-sharing. Prepared for the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Sweden. Phillips Robinson and Associates, Windhoek, Namibia.
Phillips, D.J.H and M. Woodhouse. In press. Benefit sharing in the Nile River basin.
Pieter, H., M. Patrick and A. Turton. 2008. Transboundary Water Resource Management in Southern Africa: Meeting the Challenge of Joint Planning and Management in the Orange River Basin. Water Resources Development. Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 371-383, September 2008.
Pres, A. 2008. Capacity Building: A Possible Approach to Improved Water Resources Management. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 24:1, pp.123-129.
Qaddumi, H. 2008. Practical Approaches to Transboundary Water Benefit Sharing. Accessed at: Accessed on: September 29, 2009.
Ramoeli, P. 2006. Water for growth and development in the SADC region, Presentation at the 4th WWF, 2006. Accessed at: Accessed on: October 6, 2009.
Republic of Botswana Website. 2009. Ministry of Minerals, Energy and Water Resources. Water SectorRestructuring. Accessed on: August 31, 2010 at:
Sadoff, C., T. Greiber, M. Smith, and G. Bergkamp. 2008. Share - Managing water across boundaries. Glband, Switzerland. SADC Website. Available at:, Accessed on: May 5, 2009.
Sadoff, C.W. and D. Grey. 2002. Beyond the river: The benefits of cooperation on international rivers. Water Policy 4(5): pp. 389‐403.
Southern African Development Community (SADC). 2000. Protocol on Shared Watercourse Systems in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Region.
Southern African Development Community (SADC). 2003a. Review of National Water Policies Synthesis Report. 30 June 2003. 50 pp.
Southern African Development Community (SADC). 2003b. Botswana Water Policy Review. 30 June 2003. 30 pp.
Southern African Development Community (SADC). 2003c. Mozambique Water Policy Review. 30 June 2003. 20 pp.
Southern African Development Community (SADC). 2003d. Zimbabwe Water Policy Review. 30 June 2003. 16 pp.
Southern African Development Community (SADC). 2005a. Hollingworth, B.E. and T. Chiramba (Eds). Implementing the SADC Regional Strategic Action Plan for Integrated Water Resource Management (1999-2004): Lessons and Best Practice. SADC, GTZ, InWEnt.
Southern African Development Community (SADC). 2005b. Regional Strategic Action Plan on Integrated Water Resources Development and Management, Annotated Strategic Plan – 2005 – 2010, pp. 68.
Southern African Development Community (SADC). 2006a.Southern African Development Community Regional Water Strategy. Final Draft.
Southern African Development Community (SADC). 2006b. Preparation of a Regional Strategic Water Infrastructure Development Programme – Part 2 – RSWIDP Framework, Structure and Implementation Plan, Final Draft, BGS & WCS, pp. 53.
Southern African Development Community (SADC). 2007. Regional Water Strategy. Infrastructure and Services Directorate. Gaborone, Botswana.
Southern African Development Community (SADC). 2010. Southern African Development Community Website. Accessed at: April 12, 2010.
Southern African Development Community (SADC). 2010. Guidelines for Strengthening River Basin Organisations.
Swatuk, L. 2002. The new water architecture in Southern Africa: reflections on current trends in the light of Rio þ 10. International Affairs, 78(3), pp. 507–530.
Turton, A.R. 2008. A South African perspective on a possible benefit-sharing approach for transboundary waters in the SADC region. Water Alternatives 1(2):180-200.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). 2009. Accessed at: Accessed on: May 28, 2009.
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). 2002. Atlas of International Freshwater Agreements. Accessed at: Accessed on: May 22, 2010.
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). 2002. Water: A Critical Resource. UNFPA, New York.
United Nations Water (UN Water). 2006. Gender, Water and Sanitation: A Policy Brief. Accessed at: Accessed on: October 6, 2009.
United Nations World Water Assessment 2009. Institutional Capacity Development in Transboundary Water Management. UN-Water.
United Nations-Habitat/United Nations Environment Programme (UN-HABITAT/UNEP). 2007. Limpopo Basin Strategic Plan for Reducing Vulnerability to Floods and Droughts. Draft for Discussion with Riparian Governments. UN-HABITAT/UNEP. July 2007. 23 pp.
Van der Zaag, P. and H. Savenije. 1999. The Management of International Waters in EU and SADC Compared. Phys. Chem. Earth (B), Vol 24, No. 6.
Van Rooyen, K. 2008. Is the glass half full or half empty? Science Scope 3(1): 18‐19.
Waterbury, J. 2002. The Nile Basin: National determinants of collective action. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Wolf, A.T. 1999. Water and human security (prepared for the Global Environmental Change and Human Security Project). Aviso, 3(2).
Wolf, A.T. 2001. Transboundary Waters: Sharing Benefits, Lessons Learned. Thematic Background Paper, International Conference on Freshwater, Bonn
World Bank. 2009. Technical advice for Reform of the Water and Sanitation Sector (vol 1 & 2). Government of Botswana.
LIMCOM's current ongoing interventions being undertaken