Mining & Industry In the Basin

The number of mines within the Limpopo River basin exceeds 1 900 with an additional 1 700 abandoned mines (Ashton et al. 2001b). Only mines meeting certain minimum annual production limits are included herein (Ashton et al. 2001a). Closed or abandoned mines that did not proceed beyond initial prospecting have not been included, unless they have or are expected to have a significant impact on surface water resources and water quality.

The table below provides a summary of mines within each sub-catchment and their current status. A total of 318 mines are identified. All other sub-catchments not listed were noted as not having mining operations or it was unknown if mining operations existed (Ashton et al. 2001a).

Table: Mines in the Limpopo River basin.
SUB-CATCHMENT Mines in the Limpopo River basin Total
Prospecting Operating Closed Unknown
Ngotwane/Bonwapitse --- 1 --- --- 1
Lotsane --- 1 --- --- 1
Motloutse --- 2 --- --- 2
Shashe 1 --- 6 7 --- 13
Mzingwane 1 --- 3 32 2 37
Dati 1 --- 1 --- --- 1
Bubye 2 --- --- 1 --- 1
Mwenezi --- 4 8 --- 12
Lower Limpopo and Chagane 1 1 --- --- --- 1
Marico 9 9 --- --- 18
Crocodile 1 6 61 12 --- 79
Matlabas-Mokolo 1 1 --- --- 2
Laphalala 1 2 --- 1 --- 3
Theuniskloof 1 1 1 --- --- 2
Mogalakwena 6 5 1 --- 12
Setoka-Soutsloot 1 1 1 2 --- 4
Sand 2 7 1 --- 10
Nzhelele 1 --- 1 --- 2
Levuvhu --- 2 2 --- 4
Wilge 1 --- 7 1 --- 8
Riet & Little Olifants 1 --- 29 3 --- 32
Middle Olifants 3 17 9 --- 29
Steelpoort 4 12 2 --- 18
Blyde 1 --- 2 --- --- 2
Selati 1 --- 10 --- --- 10
Middle Letaba and Great Letaba 1 4 6 --- --- 10
Shingwedzi 1 1 2 --- 4
TOTAL 42 189 85 2 318

Source: Ashton et al. 2001

1 Sub-catchment in Ashton et al. 2001
Sub-catchment noted herein
Pazhi, Umzingwani
Lower Limpopo and Chagane
Lower Middle Limpopo, Lower Limpopo, Chagane
Shashe, Mzingwani
Middle Olifants
Riet & Little Olifants
Upper Olifants
Lower Olifants
Lower Olifants
Middle Letaba and Great Letaba
Diamond, gold, silver, PGEs, copper, and nickel exploration is noted, but the status, nor locations, are not available

The second and third maps provide enlargements of the South African and Zimbabwean portions of the basin.

Current ongoing initiatives.

LIMCOM's current ongoing interventions being undertaken