Geographical Challenges Presented by IWRM
IWRM is a challenging undertaking, even more so when dealing with a transboundary setting. However, there are many challenges specific to the River Basin Approach, two of which are data and groundwater resources.
In a transboundary setting, most data are collected at a national level and, with the exception of a few rare cases, have been gathered for different periods of time, using different methods and stored using different approaches and technologies.
The River Basin Approach requires basin-wide data to be collected in the same formats and to the same standards and collated either uniformly or for an additional basin-wide programme to be put in place, which can be an expensive under-taking.
As the River Basin Approach uses a surface water unit as the basis for planning and management, it does not always encapsulate all of the groundwater resources, as groundwater aquifers do not necessarily conform to the same boundaries as surface water resources. While some transboundary (across national borders) aquifers may exist within the basin, some may transcend the surface water basin boundary. Therefore, considerations must be made for inter-river basin groundwater flow, particularly with respect to development of water balance budgets.