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LIMCOM's current ongoing interventions being undertaken include:
Abu Muhammad Shajaat Ali. 2006. Indigenous Knowledge of Water Resource Management in Dry Lands: A Conceptual Framework. Accessed at: Accessed on: May 29, 2009.
Adongo, J. and M. Deen-Swarray. 2006. Poverty Alleviation in Rural Namibia through Improved Access to Financial Services. NEPRU Working Paper No. 109. The Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit. Windhoek, Namibia.
AFP. January 9, 2009. Zimbabwe unemployment soars to 94 %. Accessed March 23, 2010.
AFTWR Africa Region and The World Bank. 2007. Mozambique Country Water Resources Assistanace Strategy: Making Water Work for Sustainable Growth and Poverty Reduction. Preliminary Publication.
Aquastat. 2005. Food and Agricultural Organization. Irrigation in Africa in figures – AQUASTAT Survey 2005
ARC-Institute for Soil, Climate and Water and ARC-Institute for Agricultural Engineering (2003). Limpopo Basin Profile. International Water Management Institute.
Ashton, P. J. 2002. Avoiding Conflicts over Africa’s Water Resources, Ambio, Vol. 31, No. 3, 236-242.
BBC News. 2010. Mozambique Country Profile. Accessed March 23, 2010.
Bell-Cross and Minshull. 1988. The fishes of Zimbabwe. Harare, National Museum and Monuments of Zimbabwe.
Biggs, R., et al., 2004. Nature supporting people: The Southern African Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa.
Botswana Tourism Board. 2006. Accessed at: http://www.botswana Accessed on: March 2, 2009.
Boudreau, T., 1998: The Food Economy Approach: A framework for understanding rural livelihoods. RRN Network Paper 26. Overseas Development Institute, London, UK.
Calabrese, J.A. 2007. The Emergence of Social and Political Complexity in the Shashi-Limpopo Valley of Southern Africa, AD 900 to 1300: Ethnicity, class, and polity. Barr S1617 Cambridge Monographs in Africa Archaeology 69. Archaeopress, England.
Children in the Wilderness 2010. Children in the Wilderness Newsletter May 2010. Available at: Accessed on 2010-09-09.
Chinake, H. 1997. Strategies for Poverty Alleviation in Zimbabwe. Journal of Social Development in Africa (1997), 12, 1, 39-51.
Clover, J. 2003. Botswana: Future Prospects and the Need for Broad-based Development. African Security Analysis Programme Situation Report, 1 September 2003. Accessed at: Accessed on: October 6, 2009.
Central Statistical Office (CSO). Botswana. 2010. STATS BRIEF, June 2009 Formal Sector Employment. Accessed at: Accessed on: March 30, 2010.
Darwall, W.R.T., Smith, K.G., Tweddle, D. and Skelton, P. (eds) (2009). The Status and Distribution of Freshwater Biodiversity in Southern Africa. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN and Grahamstown, South Africa: SAIAB. viii+120pp.
De Lange, M. 2004. Limpopo province revitalization of smallholder irrigation schemes. Paper presented at an International Water Management Institute workshop, Silverton, Pretoria, 7 May, 2004.
Denbow, J.R. and P.C. Thebe. 1946. Culture and Customs of Botswana. Greenwood Press. USA.
Devereux, S. and S. Maxwell, 2001: Introduction. In: Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa, S. Devereux and S. Maxwell (eds.). ITDG Publishing, London, UK.
Dewalt, B.R. 1994. Using indigenous knowledge to improve agriculture and natural resource management. Human Organisation 53 (2). pp.123-131.
Department for International Development (DFID). 1999.Sustainable Livelihoods Guidance Sheets 1.1 & 2.1. Accessed at: Accessed on: October 6, 2009.
Department for International Development (DFID). 2010. Annual Report Zimbabwe. Accessed April 16th at:
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF). 2003a. Limpopo Water Management Area, Overview of Water Resources Availability and Utilization.Report No. P WMA 01/000/00/0203.
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF). 2003b. Levuvhu and Letaba Water Management Area, Overview of Water Resources Availability and Utilization. Report No. P WMA 02/000/00/0203.
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF). 2003c. Crocodile (West) and Marico Water Management Area, Overview of Water Resources Availability and Utilization. Report No. P WMA 03/000/00/0203.
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF). 2003d. Olifants Water Management Area, Overview of Water Resources Availability and Utilization. Report No. P WMA 04/000/00/0203.
Earle, A. , Goldin, J., Machiridza, R., Malzbender, D., Manzungu, E., and T. Mpho. 2006. Working Paper 112: Indigenous and Institutional Profile: Limpopo River Basin. International Water Management Institute.
Earle, A., D. Malzbender, A. Turton, and E. Manzungu. 2005. A Preliminary Basin Profile of the Orange/Senqu River. AWIRU, University of Pretoria, South Africa, ISBN: 1-86854-618-7. 44 pp.
Emery, A.R. 1996. The Participation of Indigenous Peoples and Their Knowledge in Environmental Assessment and Development Planning (draft). Centre for Traditional Knowledge: Ottawa, Canada.
Everyculture. Accessed March 12, 2010. Countries and their Cultures: Mozambique.
Falkenmark, M. and J. Rockström. 2005. Rain: The Neglected Resource. Swedish Water House Policy Brief Nr. 2. SIWI. Accessed at: and Accessed on: 2010-05-01
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). 2005. Fisheries and Aquaculture Department. National Aquaculture Sector Overview: Mozambique. Accessed May 10, 2010 at:
Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). 2004. Drought impact mitigation and prevention in the Limpopo River Basin: A situation analysis. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome, 2004.
Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). 2001. Food Security. Definition of Food Security. Accessed at: Accessed on: 4 July, 2009.
Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). 1997. FAO Irrigation potential in Africa, a basin approach, FAO Land and Water Bulletin vol. 4, FAO, Rome.
Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). 1996. The sixth world food survey. Rome.
Ferroukhi, Lyes and Srinivas Chokkakula. 2006. Indigenous knowledge of water management. 22nd WEDC Conference. New Dehli, India. Available at:, accessed on: May 28, 2009.
Flavier, J.M., A. Jesus and C.S. Navarro. 1995. The regional program for the promotion of indigenous knowledge in Asia, pp. 479-487 in Warren, D.M., L.J. Slikkerveer and D. Brokensha (eds). The cultural dimension of development: Indigenous knowledge systems. London: Intermediate Technology Publications.
Forslund, A., et al. 2009. Securing Water for Ecosystems and Human Well-being: The Importance of Environmental Flows. Swedish Water House Report 24. SIWI.
Gewald, J.B. 2001. El Negro, el Nino, Witchcraft and the Absence of Rain in Botswana. African Affairs 100: 555-580.
Government of Botswana (GOB). 2007. Annual Poverty Monitoring Report 2006/2007: Translating the National Strategy for Poverty Reduction into Action. Gaborone, Botswana.
GOB-MOA-CSO (Government of Botswana - Ministry of Agriculture - Central Statistics Office). 1995. Botswana Agricultural Census 1993. Available at:
GOSA-StatsSA (Government of South Africa – Statistics South Africa). 2002. Large and small-scale agriculture. Accessed April 20, 2010 at:
Gundry, S.W., J.A. Wright, R.M. Conroy, M. Du Preez, B. Genthe, S. Moyo, C. Mutisi, and N. Potgieter. 2009. Chile dysentery in the Limpopo Valley: a cohort study of water, sanitation and hygiene risk factors. Journal of Water and Health. 07.2. IWA Publishing 2009.
Gwebu, T. 2004. Patterns and trends of urbanization in Botswana and policy implications for sustainability (Botswana). Accessed at:
session3_3/3_3patterns.pdf. Accessed on: October 6, 2009.
Huffman, T. N. 2000. Mapungubwe and the origins of the Zimbabwe culture. South Africa Archaeological Society Goodwin Series 8: 14-29. ICSU (International Council for Science). 2002. ICSU Series on Science for Sustainable Development. No. 4: Science, Traditional Knowledge and Sustainable Development. 24 pp.
International Development Research Centre (IDRC). 2003. Traditional Ecological Knowledge Concepts and Cases. J.T. Inglis (Ed). Accessed at: Accessed on: October 6, 2009.
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2009.Green and Blue Water Accounting in the Limpopo and Nile Basins: Implications for Food and Agricultural Policy. Prepared by: Sulser, T.B., Ringler, C., Zhu, T., Msangi, S., Bryan, E., and M.W. Rosegrant. Environment and Production Technology Division. IFPRI Discussion Paper 00907.
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). 2001. Country Briefs: Mozambique –Chronology of History. [online] Available at
International Monetary Fund (IMF). 2007. Republic of Mozambique: Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper. IMF Country Report No. 07/37. Washington, DC.
International Monetary Fund (IMF). 2009. Data and Statistics: Report for Selected Countries and Subjects.
Indigenous Water Initiative. 2003. Available at:, accessed on: May 28, 2009.
KAS (Konrad-Adenaur-Stiftung). 2010. Zimbabwe Office. EU Project: Capacity Building as a tool for more effective poverty alleviation of marginalized rural women in Zimbabwe. Accessed at: Accessed on: April 23, 2010.
Khan, S. 2009. Sustainable Development and Community Participation: A case Study of Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park. Il Conferencia do IESE “Dinamicas da Pobreza e Padrões de Acumulação em Moçambique”, Maputo, 22 e 23 de Abril de 2009.
Kipling, R. 1912. Just So Stories: The Elephant’s Child. The Country Life Press, Garden City, NY
Krüger, F. 1998. Taking advantage of rural assets as a coping strategy for the urban poor: the case of rural urban interrelations in Botswana. Environment and Urbanization, Vol. 10, No. 1, April 1998. Accessed at: Accessed on: October 6, 2009.
Lévêque, C., Bruton M.N., and G.W. Ssentongo. 1988. Biology and ecology of African freshwater fishes. Bondy, France, ORSTOM.
Livingston, J. 2005. Debility and the moral imagination in Botswana. Indiana University Press, Indiana, USA.
Luyt, D. 2008. Governance, Accountability and Poverty Alleviation in South Africa. Centre for Social Accountability. Rhodes University. South Africa.
Merrey, D. 2008. Presentation at the FANRPAN Regional Dialogue, Lilongwe: Improving Livelihoods by Improving Water Productivity, Access and Use. Limpopo River Basin Focal Project. Accessed April 15, 2010 at:
Millennium Development Goal (MDG) Monitor. 2010. Accessed April 22, 2010.
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. 2003. Ecosystems and human well-being: a framework for assessment. Washington, DC. Island Press.
Nile RAK. 2007. Nile River Basin River Awareness Kit. Accessed at: Accessed on: May 10, 2009.
Nyalungu, M.L. 2005. Research Proposal. Proposed Topic: Socio-economic conditions and water management as determinants of food security in smallholder irrigation schemes: Case of GA-Sekororo Community in Limpopo Province.
Peace Parks. 2010. Peace Parks Foundation: The Global Solution. Accessed April 20, 2010.
Perret, S. 2001. New water policy, irrigation management transfer and smallholding irrigation schemes in South Africa: institutional challenges. Working Paper 2001—15, Department of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development, University of Pretoria. Paper proposed at the FAO E-mail Conference on Irrigation Management Transfer, September-October.
Republic of Botswana. 2009. National Development Plan 10 (April 2009 - March 2016). Ministry of Finance and Development Planning December 2009. Gaborone, Botswana.
San Parks. 2010. South African National Parks: Conservation- Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park. Accessed April 20, 2010.
Scholes, R.J. and Biggs, R., eds. 2004. Ecosystem Services in Southern Africa: a regional assessment. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria. SAfMA (Southern African Millennium Ecosystem Assessment). Available at:, accessed on: October 6, 2009.
South African Government. 2009. Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative- South Africa website (ASGISA). Accessed at: Accessed on: March 2009.
South Africa Info. 2009. Accessed at: Accessed on: Februrary 13, 2009.
Spenceley, A. (2006). Tourism in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park. Development Southern Africa 23 (2006) 5: 649-667.
StatsSA (Statistics South Africa). 2007. A national poverty line for South Africa. Accessed at: StatsSA poverty line discussion paper.pdf. Accessed on: October 6, 2009.
Sulser, T.B., C. Ringler, T. Zhu, S. Msangi, E. Bryan, and M.W. Rosegrant. 2009. Green and Blue Water Accounting in the Limpopo and Nile Basins: Implications for Food and Agriculture Policy. International Food Policy Research Institute. Environment and Production Technology Division.
Tapela, B.N. 2008. Livelihoods in the wake of agricultural commercialization in South Africa’s poverty nodes: insights from small-scale irrigation schemes in Limpopo Province. Development Southern Africa Vol. 25: 3. Routledge.
Ten Kate, K. and S. Laird. 1999. The Commercial Use of Biodiversity: Access to genetic resources and benefit-sharing. London: Earthscan.
Thrupp, L.A. 1989. Legitimizing Local Knowledge: From Displacement to Empowerment for Third World People. Agriculture and Human Values. Summer Issue. pp.13-24.
Todaro, M.P. 2000. Economic Development. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. Seventh Ed.
United Nations. 2008. The Millennium Development Goals 2008. United Nations. Available at: Millennium Development Goals Report 2008.pdf, accessed on: October 6, 2009.
United Nations. June 2007. Africa and the Millennium Development Goals: 2007 Update. UN Department of Public Information.
United Nations. 2006. UN Water: Gender, Water and Sanitation: A Policy Brief. Water for Life 2005-2015. Accessed April 10, 2010 at:
UNDP. 2010. Statistics of the Human Development Report. Human Development Reports. Accessed April 27 at:
UNDP HDR (United Nations Development Programme Human Development Report). 2007/2008. Human Development Reports. Indicators. Accessed at: Accessed on: March 30, 2010.
UNDP HDR. 2009. Human Development Report: Statistical Update 2009. Accessed at: Accessed on: March 30, 2010.
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. 2009. World Urbanization Prospects. Accessed May 18, 2010 at
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization-United Nations Development Programme (UNESCO-UNDP). 1984. Present situation of water resources in Mozambique. Project UNDP-UNESCO MOZ/81/001.
UNEP. 2008. Vital Water Graphics - An Overview of the State of the World’s Fresh and Marine Waters. 2nd Edition. UNEP, Nairobi, Kenya. ISBN: 92-807-2236-0
UNEP. 2005. Facing the Facts: Assessing the Vulnerability of Africa’s Water Resources to Environmental Change. ISBN No: 92-807-2574-2.
UNEP, UN-Habitat and GEF. 2007. Limpopo Basin Strategic Plan for Reducing Vulnerability to Floods and Droughts. Sustainable Land Use Planning for Integrated Land and Water Management for Disaster Preparedness and Vulnerability Reduction in the Limpopo Basin.
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). 2002. Available at:, accessed on: May 28, 2009.
UNESCO-UNDP (United Nations Development Programme). 1984. Present situation of water resources in Mozambique. Project UNDP-UNESCO MOZ/81/001.
UNICEF. 2009. Integrated response to HIV and AIDS. Accessed at: Accessed on: March 30, 2010.
US Department of State. 2009 Background Note profile on Botswana. Accessed at: Accessed on: March 12, 2009.
Vision 2016. Botswana National Vision Council website. Accessed May 26, 2010 at:
Watts, M.J. and H.-G. Bohle. 1993. The space of vulnerability: the causal structure of hunger and famine. – Progress in Human Geography 17: 43-67
Wood, M., 2002: Ecotourism: Principles, Practices and Policies for sustainability. United Nations Environment Programme.
World Bank. 2010. Indicators. Data. Accessed April 27 at:
World Bank. 2009. World Development Indicators. Washington DC: World Bank.
World Bank. 2008. Country Data Profile Available at:, accessed on: October 6, 2009.
World Development Indicators Database (WDID) 2009. World Development Indicators Database. Available at:, accessed on: April 29, 2009.
World Fact Book. 2009. Accessed April 18, 2010.
World Health Organization (WHO). 2010. Progress on sanitation and drinking-water 2010 update. Water Sanitation and Health (WSH). Accessed April 27 at:
World Health Organization (WHO). 2008. World Health Statistics 2008: Core Health Indicators. Accessed April 28th, 2010 at:
WHO/UNICEF. 2008. Progress on Drinking Water and Sanitation: Special Focus on Sanitation. UNICEF, New York and WHO, Geneva, 2008. Available at:, accessed on: October 6, 2009.
World Health Organization (WHO). 2000. Growing Tobacco.
LIMCOM's current ongoing interventions being undertaken